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The S.T.E.M area of our curriculum includes that subjects of Maths, Science, Computing and Design and Technology (DT). This curriculum area aims to encourage and empower every Dormansland child to use their creativity and to develop their critical thinking skills. It promotes teamwork, resilience and a growth mindset.



Children are excited, inspired and curious about the world around them. They are able to use their knowledge, vocabulary and enquiry skills to investigate and understand the science of today, providing them with a foundation for their future scientific learning.


An emphasis on practical scientific activity at Dormansland helps to encourage children to understand the world in which they live. Drawing on their own experiences and natural curiosity, children are encouraged to observe, study, question, plan, investigate and experiment. The scientific method of investigation is developed over the primary years and children are expected to relate their findings and draw their own conclusions from a variety of experiments. This enables them to record how things are and ways in which they may change. This is achieved by giving as much practical experience as possible.



Children can solve a range of problems by applying and recalling learnt facts and using prior knowledge. This allows them to make connections and move fluently amongst different mathematical concepts. Their curiosity and resolve instils a determination to explore and challenge an understanding of the world around them and reason their findings to others.


At Dormansland we teach children the fundamentals of mathematics within meaningful real-life contexts, so that children develop a good mathematical understanding as well as the ability to recall and apply their knowledge to different situations, investigations and problem solving activities. Our core scheme of work uses White Rose maths which is supported by our calculation policy.

Our maths curriculum is designed to provide children with the skills and confidence that they need to be successful mathematicians, at school and beyond. Not only is our aim that every child will develop a deep understanding of maths skills, but we also want our children to be confident, inquisitive mathematicians with a love of the subject.  We aim to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts whilst enabling them to practice and use skills and methods.  We want Dormansland mathematicians to be able to think critically and reason their ideas and understanding.

We follow a mastery curriculum, which means that rather than a short focus on each skill, repeated each term, we teach each concept in a ‘block’ which ensures a deeper understanding. At each stage of learning, children should be able to demonstrate a deep, conceptual understanding of the topic and be able to build on this over time.



Children safely use a wide range of computing skills across the curriculum. Through using a variety of software and hardware, children are inquisitive problem solvers and adapt to new technological advances.


We believe that computing is an essential part of the curriculum; a subject that not only stands alone but is woven and should be an integral part of all learning.  Throughout the school the core scheme of work we use is 'Teach Computing'. Computing provides a wealth of learning opportunities and transferrable skills taught explicitly within the Computing lesson and across other curriculum subjects.

Through the study of Computing, children will be able to develop a wide range of fundamental skills, knowledge and understanding that will actually equip them for the rest of their life.  Computers and technology are such a part of everyday life that our children would be at a disadvantage would they not be exposed to a thorough and robust Computing curriculum.  Children are taught in the art form of ‘Computational Thinking’ in order to provide them essential knowledge that will enable them to participate effectively and safely in the digital world beyond our gates.

At all stages, online safety is embedded into the learning and emphasised through discreet teaching linked to PSHE objectives.

Design and Technology


Through experiencing a range of Design Technology opportunities and techniques, children are interested in how things work. They apply their creativity during planning and designing by making connections to real life experiences. Using different types of apparatus and tools, their manual skills are refined through a variety of practical projects. Evaluations are used with a variety of problem solving skills to help them adapt and improve ideas.


Design & Technology provides practical learning experiences and offers opportunities for children to develop and refine the skills associated with designing, making and evaluating different products. DT allows children to actively participate and respond to the changing technological world around them; as users, consumers, designers and inventors. The children have the opportunity to apply scientific skills, mathematical skills and information technology skills.