Year 1 (Opal)
Welcome to the Opal Class learning page. Find out about everything your child is learning in school here and help them become the very best they can be!
Class Teacher
Class Teachers
Mrs Wadey - Monday and Tuesday
Mrs Burton - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Additional Adults
Mrs Bruce
Mrs Larkin
Mrs Demee
Curriculum Information
Spring Term Letter
Spring Term CUrriculum Overview
Spring Term Homework Grid
Online Safety
All children need to learn how to keep themselves safe online. Here are some things you can do:
CEOPS is the best place to go if you wish to report something inappropriate on the internet.
ThinkUKnow is where you can play interactive games and learn more about being safe online.
Kidsmart has lots of information about how you can keep yourself safe online.
For more information and help go to our Online Safety page.
Supporting Learning at Home
In Year 1, we encourage the children to do as much learning as home at possible. With this in mind, we would be grateful if you could support your child in the following areas:
- Daily reading
- Counting to and from 100
- Reading and writing numbers to 100
- Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
Bug Club - is used to monitor and set reading in school and at home. Children can update home reading themselves using the app or desktop log in.
Marvellous Me - is an online communication tool. This app is used to give important messages to the class from the class teacher, and also to keep you updated about your child's learning.
To contact the class teacher, please email the school office on