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Year 2 (Topaz)

Welcome to the Topaz Class learning page. Find out about everything your child is learning in school here and help them become the very best they can be!


Class Teacher

Class Teachers

Miss Moe

Additional Adults

Mrs Hare

Mrs Floyd

Mrs O'riordon

Miss Adams


Curriculum Information

Year 2 Welcome Letter

September Meet the Teacher Presentation

Autumn Term Curriculum Grid

Autumn Term homework grid

Online Safety

All children need to learn how to keep themselves safe online. Here are some things you can do:
CEOPS is the best place to go if you wish to report something inappropriate on the internet.
ThinkUKnow is where you can play interactive games and learn more about being safe online.
Kidsmart has lots of information about how you can keep yourself safe online.
For more information and help go to our Online Safety page.

Supporting Learning at Home

The learning the children are expected to complete at home has a clear focus on key skills that will not only enable them to make the expected academic progress but also foster those vital skills that they will need beyond their time at school. We therefore expect them to practice their times tables and read daily. We ask parents to record daily reading in their child's reading record.

Bug Club - is used to monitor and set reading in school and at home. Children can update home reading themselves using the app or desktop log in.

Marvellous Me - is an online communication tool. This app is used to give important messages to the class from the class teacher, and also to keep you updated about your child's learning. 

Times Table Rock Stars - Every child has a TTR login. This is an online programme which is highly engaging and supports the learning and speedy recall of times tables facts. The children can take part in single-player activities to improve their own knowledge and speed and when they feel confident enough, they can take on challenges from other children in their class, our school and across the TTR community. There are certificates for the most improved Rock Star in each year group which are given out each week. 

Spelling Shed - Spellings are given out each week and uploaded onto Spelling Shed for you child to practice. There are a wide variety of word challenges and puzzles for the children to solve. Every child has a unique login to access the site. 

To contact the class teacher, please email the school office on